Gone are the days when Millienials were the target of new age digital media. While it seems like they may have gotten the short end of the stick, Generation Z has already started to push many of the previous generations aside in hopes of changing the workforce and the system it functions under.
Generation Z are self-motivated and committed to changing how things work. They no longer have the same tolerance for doing a 9 to 5 kind of job as previous generations have done. They not only embrace the idea of abolishing the 9 to 5 job, but they’re also branching out by themselves and making a name and a brand for themselves. That being said, they still believe in hard work but only when it comes to their own hours, which leads us to re-thinking how it might be possible for us to keep them around.Businesses that want to remain competitive will have to re-consider their strategy when it comes to Gen. Z. and Millennials. Here are ways tips to keep them motivated in the workplace.
1. Provide a malleable schedule
Since the rise of social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, more and more people have been running their own companies online. They get to the workplace with a lot under their belt. More than that, it seems like their well-earned independence will require a lot more from recruiters. Those people are self-made so keeping them around will be difficult. One way to change that is to provide less work hours and a much more flexible schedule. This may work against Boomers but times are changing, and the people in this world are changing with it.
2. Learn how to value them
If you don’t, they’ll drop you. Unfortunately for the older generation who still values tradition in the workplace, they should know that both millennial and gen. z won’t tolerate anyone telling them to work themselves to the ground. If you show your employees that all you care about is getting the work done at the expense of their freedom, they will leave. You’ll be fighting a losing battle.
3. Make room for their professional growth
Career development is a must-have for these new age entrepreneurs in the making. They are beyond ambitious and are always looking for new opportunities to advance their careers. Forget working them to death. Be the mentor they need because these people are the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
4. Sit down and talk to them
These people may have developed the habit of sticking their faces to a screen, but they genuinely prefer face-to-face communication. They are excellent at branding and presenting themselves to people and they’ll make great partners in the future. You’ll be surprised by how much they know about communication, technology and branding. Learning is a two way street. Mentor them and you’ll get more than what you’re looking for from those street smart kids.
5. Re-consider formal education
Gone are the days of looking for the most educated person around. In fact, you shouldn’t even be looking for people with many years in the workplace. Those up-and-coming energizer bunnies are masters of research. They are not only self-taught but they also know how and where to find the information they need. Thanks to sites like youtube, many of these self-made youngsters will watch tutorials on how to get things done. Others will rely on the infinite amount of books available online or on paper. In other words, they know how to get things done. They grew up in alternative-learning classrooms, so it should come as no surprise that you will be genuinely surprised by what these incredible people know.